1. "Chuck" – A very enjoyable return to these characters with a good amount of laughs and action
2. "Jersey Shore" – Starting to get a little annoyed with a fight being advertised for the episode and then it doesn’t start until 10:57 and all the good stuff is the following week
3. "Mad Men" – I realize most of you don’t watch this, but it was a REALLY good episode and Jon Hamm was better than he was in “The Town”
4. "Modern Family" – “I don’t think I’d be a very inspiring disabled person”, “That was my Vietnam, and I was in Vietnam” and “Angela Lansbury was the Grand Marshall. Good time she wrote.” made this my #1 comedy of the week
5. "Community" – This is the funniest show you’re not watching and Betty White’s guest role this week was surprisingly understated.
6. “Cougar Town” – They play a movie game where you describe the plot of combining two movies with before and after titles. For example, Brian and I were playing and emailed each other almost the exact same clues for “Knocked Up in the Air” on Friday.
7. “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” – Good to see they tied up that whole Dennis being married thing in one week
8. “Sons of Anarchy” – Just so you know, don’t get used to this being down so low as these continue
9. “Hawaii 5-O” – Shocked at how much I enjoyed this. Will I continue to watch it on a weekly basis is the real question?
10. “Terriers” – Another solid episode from this show with one of the better, “Wait, what the hell was that?” endings I’ve seen in a long time. There’s still plenty of time to get into this show.
11. “Family Guy” – It wasn’t close to the funniest episodes they’ve ever done and the only really funny thing was the running joke about Quagmire’s date. The murder mystery aspect was really well done though and it was an entertaining and enjoyable way to start the season.
12. “The Event” – Am I intrigued? My goodness yes. Do I want “The Event” to be more than the plane disappearing? Yes. Do I think that’s what “The Event” was? Yes.
13. “Boardwalk Empire” – This show is amazingly written, wonderfully acted and beautifully shot. However, when I watch it I get the feeling I am only watching it because I’ve read how great it is and I don’t wanna miss out. Of course that could quickly change too.
14. “Raising Hope” – If you liked “My Name is Earl” you’ll like this. I liked “Earl” and they grill hamburgers on shopping carts turned sideways, so I’m in.
15. “The Office” – I think it’s so low because I’m still disappointed with the non-Wedding episodes of last season. There’s a lot of potential with Dwight owning the building though. Creed’s Twitter rant was good too, but I didn’t like the Luke stuff. I also don’t like Erin dating my old roommate from NYC Gabe.
16. “How I Met Your Mother” – We’re supposed to be getting answers and it still feels like we’re just getting dicked around. Long shot prediction: That’s Barney and Robin’s wedding that Ted is the best man for.
17. “Glee” – I like this show when I know the songs, the last two songs were ones I had never heard so I fast forwarded through them. I did like the Lady Gaga song in the ladies room and when Finn told Rachel he had to convince the rest of the Glee Club to not give her a Code Red.
18. “Eastbound and Down” – I think the next episodes are going to be funnier, at least I hope so. This one was just too much set up for me to rank it higher, but I do think him playing on the Mexican team has lots of potential. I also always enjoy Kenny just randomly flipping people off.
19. “30 Rock” – Matt Damon was funny, but there’s so much stuff that is just ugh, like the Tracy and Kenneth stuff.
20. “Mike & Molly” – an enjoyable 30 minutes, and will also be the first thing erased from my DVR if it gets too full
21. “Survivor” – I’m not sure I like ANY of these people except Jimmy Johnson. And JJ’s whole strategy of saying no one’s gonna give me a million dollars is genius.
22. “My Generation” – There’s potential for a good show here with characters that could be likeable and interesting. I have no hope this show will realize this potential and spent most of the hour just feeling bad for Todd from “Wedding Crashers”
23. “The League” – Are we sure we just didn’t get overly excited about a show about fantasy football here?
24. “Parenthood” – Boring, boring week. Though I read this week’s is supposed to be really good
25. “Running Wilde” – Not giving up hope here yet, not expecting much of a turnaround either though
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